Saturday, July 17, 2010

Diving in head first

I am a multi-tasker. I have two kids and about a million ideas rolling through my head at any given moment. Book ideas, classes I should teach, crafts I could make with my children, etc. So with this blog I am attempting to slow down and focus on an idea I've had for awhile. Writing and documenting my everyday culinary and nutrition adventures with my kids. My son Owen is four years old and eager to jump at the chance to create and have fun. We've been cooking, crafting and laughing together for years but now I'm going to challenge myself to document it. And this year we have a garden! We don't quite understand it but it's there getting watered with a plethora of herbs, vegetables and weeds flourishing in it. I may have killed a few beets trying to save them but there is always the farmer's market.

We will be posting recipes, dirty-faced child tasting sessions, laughing 3 month old babies, ridiculous 4 year old quotes and much, much, more.

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